January 2011
Happy New Year to Juan and Al. I was hospitalized last month and after being released have seen more doctors than I have in my previous life combined. One of my best friends died recently and others are seriously ill. This is what the golden years are truly all about – giving physicians all your gold.
I’ve been in denial re my advanced age and the changes time has wrought on my face and body, but reality has arrived thanks to The Three Stooges. I was watching them today and realized I’d finally achieved old age when I thought, “You know, Moe looks great and Larry really has a nice head of hair.”
It’s obviously over, but before I go I’m getting “Still Chasing Rainbows” done and published this fall. Believe me, we’ve been photographing some unbelievable blankets. I’m thrilled about the blankets and palpitating about the extras that’ll be included like this month’s Blanket Of The Month entry…not blankets, but two pages of an extraordinarily rare Buell catalog from the Chris Odgers collection. The new book will feature not one, but two complete Buell catalogs that have not been seen since 1912. Again I was guided by Moe who always said, “Pick two!”
Business Barry needs to mention I will be exhibiting at the fantastic High Noon Show in Mesa, Arizona on January 28, 29 and 30. It’s the best show in the country for antique Western and Indian material and this year Cindy Rennels will be on hand to sell her wonderful vintage trade and camp blankets, too. If you’re in town early and want to drop by and see my entire inventory call me at (602) 595-1157 or e-mail at [email protected] and mention I sent you to me so I can pay myself a commission.

( Alas, the links mentioned below are now dead.)