November 2011
Huge news this month and I think it’s pretty obvious what it is. Kim Kardashian getting divorced? Please! Give the girl some credit for lasting 72 days. That’s over twice the lifespan of the average housefly, although scientists believe Kim carries far more diseases. Is the big news that Israel’s prime minister favors a missile attack to destroy Iran’s nuclear plants? That might make for a dandy episode of Blowing Up With The Ahmadinejads, but this story is far bigger than that. Gadaffi killed? That certainly doomed the comedy team of Larry, Curly and Moammar.
I won’t keep you in suspense a moment longer…the McRib is back!!!! Personally, I have never had a McRib…but McDonald’s legend has it that it was created when McGod took a McRib from McAdam in the Garden Of Eatin’. I’ve done McRib McResearch and discovered there are no ribs in it so in truth it could be called the McRibless. Why not a steakless sandwich called the McRibeye? The fascinating thing about the McRib is that it disappears from the McDonald’s menu for months at a time and then out of nowhere it’s back!!! – it’s like the Nicholas Cage of food.
I’m always excited to share pictures of a Pendleton round corner blanket and there will be at least 25 in the new book that is coming out sometime within my lifetime barring any major illness or freak household accident. I am still dealing with the horrors of last month’s appliance mutiny and can already sense my new ones plotting against me. Informal poll: Does anybody else’s toaster have an electric chamber?
I digress and also regress (after first gressing). As we all know Pendleton only produced round corner blankets from 1896 until 1908. I’d date this one 1900-1905, which is right about the same time I had my last date, so there’s your irony.