February 2010
Inspired by Mark McGwire coming clean on his steroid use, I would like to set the record straight once and for all and confess that yes, damn it, I did go through an entire box of Luden’s Wild Cherry Cough Drops during the 1997-1998 cold and flu season.
The High Noon show was excellent with many friends on hand and many blankets sold and on their way to some important collections. On the buying end nary a blanket did I purchase – there were very few outside of what I was offering and none sufficiently rare to interest me. This makes Barry a very sad little Blanketboy. Obtaining great blankets is what we wool junkies do and if we’re not buying, we’re dying.
But chins up and raise your glasses high to the blanket I promised you last month from the mysterious Knight Woolen Mills of Provo, Utah. No catalog has ever surfaced from this mill and we have no idea why or for exactly how long they manufactured Indian blankets, but I do know this particular example is museum quality and as good a trade blanket as one could ever hope to find – this would be a crown jewel in the most advanced collection.
Take note of the gently rounded corners – always found on Knight blankets and a much less radical corner than the legendary Pendleton round corners. It’s unbelievably heavy – I’m guessing at least a pound heavier than any blanket of similar size from any other manufacturer. The condition is pristine and the pattern and colors superlative. I trust you all will enjoy this one and until next month have a great Knight!