March 2010
I never talk religion or politics, so let’s get them both out of the way. For three years a very serious man who sold old mining artifacts set up next to me at the High Noon Show. We exchanged cordial hellos and goodbyes, but very little beyond that. Overhearing his conversations it became clear he was deeply religious and in fact a Baptist minister. By year four it apparently was painfully obvious to him I desperately needed help from on high. During a lull in the show he turned and said, “Can I ask you a personal question?”
“I suppose,” I replied. “If it’s too personal, I just won’t answer.”
“Fair enough,” he said. He then looked me straight in the eye and asked, ” Barry, what is your personal relationship with Jesus?”
Immediately I answered, “Blood relative.” End of our conversation. Forever.
As for politics, I don’t want to imply Sarah Palin is dumb, but if I gave her a penny for her thoughts she could give me change.
Any further questions regarding my politics or religion? I thought not.
If all of you kids will now scramble to page 287 of your well-worn copy of my brilliant book “Chasing Rainbows: Collecting American Indian Trade & Camp Blankets” you will see a very lovely Oregon City blanket. Below is the same pattern with an OC first label circa 1911 in a two-color monochromatic treatment, the only one I have encountered in this pattern. Nor have I collided with any other two-color Oregon City blanket except a Totem Pole pattern that I recall was grey and white.
I can’t explain why the blanket looks like it has distinct panels on the lower half of it, either – something likely went amiss in the weaving process . Below that is the same pattern in a very snazzy color combo – there is no particular reason for picturing it other than I can, so why not? Color me whimsical.