October 2010
My son Matthew turns 12 tomorrow and is getting a jump on being a teenager by already being utterly dismissive of me. We were driving yesterday and I was shooting the breeze yakking away about nothing. After an ominous silence from his portion of the car Matthew turned to me and said, “So when did you turn into my wife?”
On the national front, I’m still twitching with excitement from my trip to Washington to participate in the Glenn Beck rally. Thank you, Glenn and Sarah and all your followers for restoring America! I filmed every God approved minute and will be releasing it as a feature film entitled “Beneath The Dignity Of The Planet Of The Apes”.
Photography for “Still Chasing Rainbows”, the sequel to my first book, begins this month and I hope to have it in your hands next year. If you haven’t contacted me about the possibility of having your blankets included, get off your lazy ass and contact me. I’m giving away new cars to the first 50 callers and, as always, free balloons and hot dogs for the kids!
There is a glitch in my Web site program and I’m having a difficult time getting images of both sides of each blanket to appear, so you may be seeing one side or both. If you’re seeing both sides plus an aerial view, please consult your opthamologist.